December 20, 2012 The Absent Minded Waiter
In the history of entertainment there have been two (with a slightly-possible third) entertainers who’ve had careers I wish I had: Phil Hartman and Steve Martin (possible third: Jim Carrey). Unfortunately, we’ll never get to know what else Phil would have done, but Steve keeps surprising us. I strongly urge you to read his autobiography Born Standing Up: A Comic’s Life if you haven’t already. It’s wonderful. He has written books and plays, done stand-up and magic, movies and TV, and even plays the banjo well enough to get Grammyed for it. There’s your entertainer, my friends.
While you have most likely seen The Jerk and Planes, Trains, & Automobiles and maybe read The Pleasure of My Company, there’s a good chance you haven’t seen The Absent Minded Waiter. The quality on this video isn’t great, and you likely won’t enjoy it as much as I do, but I think it’s another fun piece of the Steve Martin puzzle. Plus, Teri Garr is in it, so it’s got that going for it, which is nice.
Tags: Steve Martin, video
Written by: Mark
- Posted under Comedy
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And Buck Henry!
I had not seen this in … years. It’s on the DVD set The Television Stuff.
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I first saw it on a videotape of a stand-up concert he did years ago. It also had a bit where he was being interviewed by people like Dave Letterman and Paul Simon.