January 3, 2013 2012 Movie Data
I’ve mentioned before that I’ve been keeping movie journals for the last several years. I’ve never gone back through them to dig out any sort of analysis at all, but I thought it might be fun to do that with last year’s list, so here’s some numbers I enjoyed putting together:
How many I saw:
- 172 total
- 73 of them were ones I saw for the first time
How I saw them:
- In the theater: 27 (one in IMAX)
- Blu-Ray: 88
- DVD: 24
- Netflix Streaming: 28 (This surprised me, as I thought the number would be much higher. I watch way more TV on NFS, though.)
- Amazon Prime Streaming: 4 (This number would be higher if they were organized better and had a significantly different selection than Netflix, I’m guessing)
- Digital: 1 (Judge Dredd, in case you’re wondering)
Who I saw them with (the numbers don’t add up because some of the “with my wife” and the “with other people” overlap):
- By myself: 99
- With my wife: 44
- With other people: 45
How many, by month:
- January: 17
Best: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan- February: 10 (This includes the Harry Potter marathon)
Best: Groundhog Day- March: 11
Best: The Dark Knight- April: 8
Best: UHF- May: 17
Best: Marvel’s The Avengers- June: 11
Best: Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter- July: 9
Best: The Dark Knight Rises- August: 22
Best: Grosse Pointe Blank, but with a shout-out to The Expendables 2- September: 11
Best: The Raid: Redemption and Dredd 3D – they’re the same movie in a lot of ways, really- October: 18
Best: Looper- November: 20
Best: Wreck-It Ralph, but this was a tough month to pick, with Skyfall, Moonrise Kingdom, and Seeking a Friend for the End of the World all in contention- December: 18
Best: Terminator 2: Judgment DayHow Many, By Letter of the Alphabet:
- #: 3
Best: 50/50- A: 9
Best: Airplane!- B: 12
Best: Batman Begins, but I would also like to recommend The Big Year, with Steve Martin, Jack Black, and Owen Wilson- C: 7
Best: Cabin in the Woods- D: 17
Best: The Dark Knight- E: 5
Best: Edward Scissorhands- F: 4
Best: For Love of the Game- G: 12
Best (Top 3): Ghostbusters, Grosse Pointe Blank, and Groundhog Day- H: 19
Best: I’m going with the Harry Potter series as a whole and you can’t stop me- I: 3
Best: Inglourious Basterds- J: 4
Best: Jeff Who Lives at Home- K: 4
Best: Kindergarten Cop- L: 7
Best: The Lord of the Rings series- M: 15
Best: Marvel’s The Avengers, I’m also throwing in The Muppet Movie, The Muppets, and Moonrise Kingdowm because they are wonderful- N: 2
Best: Napoleon Dynamite- O: 1
Best: the Other Guys, which probably would have won even if I had seen other O movies- P: 7
Best (Top 3): The Princess Bride, Pulp Fiction, and Pitch Perfect, which is the only time those three movies will be mentioned in the same breath- Q: 0
Perhaps in 2013 I should watch The Quick and the Dead?- R: 6
Best: Rushmore, but I’m also recommending The Raid: Redemption- S: 16
Best: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, and you’ve already read my recommendation for Seeking a Friend for the End of the World- T: 8
Best: Terminator 2: Judgment Day- U: 2
Best: UHF- V: 1
Best: Vamps- W: 6
Best: Wreck-It Ralph, and not just because it had Q*bert, although that was a big part- X: 1
Best: X-Men: First Class- Y: 0
2013 goal: Uh… Young Guns?- Z: 0
2013 goal: Is there anything other than Zoolander?
So, any other data I should keep track of in 2013? I’ve only seen 2 movies so far this year, so I could add some columns to my spreadsheet easily.
Written by: Mark
- Posted under Movies
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Don’t bother with The Quick and the Dead. Bad movie.
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I’ve already seen it! And I thought it was great!
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Z is for Zatoichi. If you haven’t seen the Takeshi Kitano send-up (and send-off, actually), you should give it a shot. Maybe… Zombieland? And I think my go-to Y would be Young Frankenstein.
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I have not seen Zatoichi. I will add it to my list. I do own Young Frankenstein, though, and have recently been thinking about seeing it again, so I’m not sure why that didn’t occur to me?
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Brian Arnold
I’m assuming you’re recording the date of the view? Maybe record the time as well? You could put together some interesting charts with that.
Or maybe ratings too. See how many R versus PG etc.
Or maybe someday we’ll actually do something with MovieGraph, you could be recording your [-10,10] values for each one at time of viewing.
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Some good ideas here. Time of viewing would be tricky, as I sometimes have to watch the ends of movies on a different day than I started them.
Ratings is such a “Wow, of course” thing that I can’t believe I missed it! Yikes.
I’d love for MovieGraph to become a thing, as you know :) It’s my plan to eventually do an entry/video on it here at some point. I’ve shied away from including rankings in my Movie Journals in the past, but I can’t remember why. A MovieGraph rating would be a perfect fit, though.
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I second Zatoichi and Zombieland. :)
Do you have a Foreign category? I could give you a rundown of some of the best foreign films out there, though it may be hard to find them online.
(Amelie, Love Me If You Dare, In Bruges, Death at a Funeral, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Wasabi, Leon the Professional, Bicycle Thief, He Loves Me He Loves Me Not, Beginners, Brassed Off, Full Monty, Mostly Martha, Millions, Garage Days, Trainspotting, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Pan’s Labyrinth, Orphanage…)
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I have seen 7 of those!
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Your list fetish is getting out of control.
Unrelated: I watched T2 in Dec as well. With the kids (but TV version).
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If people didn’t like lists so much, maybe I wouldn’t utilize them so much!
I would have assumed your T2 viewing was the TV version.
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Demand creates its own supply!
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So does YOUR FACE!
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Do not make Quest for Fire your Q movie. I can’t suggest anything else, but don’t make it that one.
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Noted! :)
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You could track year of movie release, might make for an interesting breakdown at end of year
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I like that idea.