January 10, 2013 ALF Playing Monopoly
I have had the good fortune over the last ten years to make some awesome friends on the Internet. The majority of them have had a positive impact on my life while at the same time making me feel like a talentless jerkwad buffoon. Many of these talented folks are artists, and some of them have been kind enough to draw things I’ve requested, and every time that’s happened, I’ve been blown away. Winning the “what should I draw?” suggestion lottery is a day-maker, let me tell you.
Most of the times I’ve been fortunate enough to see my ideas brought to visual life I get to see the JPEG, save it, and that’s that. Every so often, though, if you’re lucky, you’ll get something in the mail. And sometimes, sometimes, that thing is so awesome that your wife says, “I could get that framed and we can put that on the picture wall.”
This, my friends, is one of those times. I present to you “ALF Playing Monopoly,” drawn by the talented Mike Morgan:
Would now be a good time to mention that we here at zwolanerd accept fan art and will post our favorites? Hit us up on Twitter to let us know you’ve got something!
Tags: ALF
Written by: Mark
- Posted under Art
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Ah, the old Alien Life Form… “Here kitty kitty kitty!”
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I’m sure it’s mostly the nostalgia talking, but I like ALF a whole lot more than anyone else I’ve ever met.
However, after rewatching the series a couple of years ago I learned a little something: seasons 1 & 2 are great. Season 3 is okay. Season 4 is terrible.
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But the movie is great!
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Per…haps we didn’t see the same movie?
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If ALF was getting produced today there would probably be a Melmac edition of Monopoly. Let’s all reflect on that for a moment.
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Star Trek isn’t being made and they made Klingon Monopoly. I say we lobby the Parker Brothers. I can find their graves
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It would probably be based on the cartoon ALF :(
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I recently rewatched the first two seasons and they were HILARIOUS. Much funnier than I remembered them being.