January 11, 2013 Let’s Watch Something Together Poll
After some suggestions on last week’s entry and some more mulling on my own, here’s the official poll. Five of the six are available on Netflix Instant. Two are available on Amazon Prime. The others… well, I know there are ways to watch them online, but I certainly can’t officially endorse any of them! Most of these shows are pretty familiar to most of us, and I figure that’s a good way to start this.
Trying to find something readily available for everyone is difficult, especially once you add in our international friends! I know nothing I can do here will be the best for everyone, but this is just a start! If this works as well as I imagine it can we can mix it up in the future.
I’ve set the poll to accept multiple choices from each person, as I figure some folks might be just as interested in a few.
Happy voting! I’ll announce the choice next Friday.
Which season of TV would you be most likely to watch along with us?
- Scrubs 1 (32%, 7 Votes)
- Better Off Ted 1 (27%, 6 Votes)
- 30 Rock 1 (18%, 4 Votes)
- Seinfeld 1 (14%, 3 Votes)
- The Wonder Years 1 (Bonus: I have not seen this before) (5%, 1 Votes)
- My So-Called Life (Here's an offering for the drama types. I have also never seen this before.) (5%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 14

Written by: Mark
- Posted under TV
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Looks like Scrubs won.
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Technically, yes! But if you read today’s entry you’ll see what I chose :)