January 17, 2013 Batpics Vol. 1
I don’t use Facebook the same way my friends do. Sure, I have some personal photos and I occasionally pass along info about what’s going on in my life, but I mostly use it to post pictures of Batman that I find on the Internet. As we continue Batman Week here, I thought I’d post some of my very favorites from that album, which currently has 246 pictures. I’m sorry I don’t have these attributed, I couldn’t even begin to tell you where I found most of them.
- I didn’t much care for the movie Cars, but if this had been in it my opinion would have changed
- This puts Death in the Family in a whole different, less-horrible light
- Standard answer from me in most circumstances
- Not “an owl,” just “owl”
- Commissioner Gordon has feelings, too, you know
- We all need something for the “Weaknesses” section of the résumé
- I make this same face when people aren’t looking
- Photoshopped, but oh, so perfect
- If this doesn’t make you laugh, nothing will
- And there’s no light that comes on when you open the door, either
- “Also, I misplaced my car keys”
- It’s nice to see someone enjoying their work
Written by: Mark
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- Posted under Internet
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