February 22, 2013 Academy Awards
The Academy Awards are this weekend, and they’re important because they claim to be – at least, that’s pretty much how I understand it. I’m all for things getting awarded for quality, but I’m with the growing number of people that think there should be some sort of retroactive award. Let’s look back 20, 30, 40 years at those movies and see which one is still important or has held up the best. There are plenty of “this should’ve won, not that” lists floating around, so that’d be a logical outgrowth. Also: let’s get some diversity in the voter pool for this things, huh? Age, race, gender – all of it.
Anyway, I haven’t seen most of the films nominated this year because I’d rather spend my time/money on comicbook movies. I have seen 8 of last year’s 9 Best Picture nominees, but I’ve only seen two of this year’s crop so far. But that doesn’t mean I can’t make picks! Even if I haven’t seen a particular movie, I tend to be aware of it enough to make a not-quite-ignorant judgment on it. I wouldn’t use this list as a betting help if I were you. Movies and performances I’ve seen are italicized, and my picks are bolded.
Amour – I don’t really care if I never see this one
Argo – No, I haven’t seen this one and, yes, I want it to win. Ben Affleck’s turning out to be a pretty good director.
Beasts of the Southern Wild – Saw this one recently and I think it was good, I just don’t think I completely understood it.
Django Unchained – I meant to go to this one several times, but chickened out every time because of its length.
Les Misérables– I liked it, but I liked the stage version, too, so I was expecting to.
Life of Pi – Sure, I’ll see this one eventually
Lincoln – Seemed like more of a small screen watch than a big screen one
Silver Linings Playbook – Have been really wanting to see this one but I have to wait for my wife to have time to.
Zero Dark Thirty – Sure, I’ll see this eventually
ACTOR in a Leading Role
Bradley Cooper (Silver Linings Playbook)
Daniel Day-Lewis (Lincoln)
Hugh Jackman (Les Misérables) – Come on, give Wolverine an award already.
Joaquin Phoenix (The Master)
Denzel Washington (Flight)
ACTRESS in a Leading Role
Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty)
Jennifer Lawrence (Silver Linings Playbook) – She seems nice. They give awards for nice, right?
Emmanuelle Riva (Amour)
Quvenzhané Wallis (Beasts of the Southern Wild)
Naomi Watts (The Impossible)
ACTOR in a Supporting Role
Alan Arkin (Argo)
Robert De Niro (Silver Linings Playbook)
Philip Seymour Hoffman (The Master)
Tommy Lee Jones (Lincoln) – Because he’s Grumpy Cat in human form
Christoph Waltz (Django Unchained)
ACTRESS in a Supporting Role
Amy Adams (The Master) – Because she’s great!
Sally Field (Lincoln)
Anne Hathaway (Les Misérables) – Because how can you not want her to get an award? Meanie.
Helen Hunt (The Sessions)
Jacki Weaver (Silver Linings Playbook)
Brave – I liked it a lot, but it’s a clear 2nd place this year
Frankenweenie – I haven’t seen this version yet, but I love the original short it’s based on
ParaNorman – This one’s been sitting at my house from Netflix for two weeks now.
The Pirates! Band of Misfits – Love the Wallace & Gromit crew, so this one’s definitely on my Must Watch list
Wreck-It Ralph – Fantastic all around, and of course I like the idea of Q*bert being in an Oscar-nominated movie
Amour (Michael Haneke)
Beasts of the Southern Wild (Benh Zeitlin)
Life of Pi (Ang Lee) – Ang Lee will get leftover love from me for a long time because of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Lincoln (Steven Spielberg)
Silver Linings Playbook (David O. Russell)
MUSIC Original Song
“Before My Time” (Chasing Ice) – I was unaware of this song until just today, but I think it’s beautiful. Scarlett Johansson sings it and does a wonderful job.
“Everybody Needs A Best Friend” (Ted) – I kind of feel like people need to stop encouraging Seth MacFarlane.
“Pi’s Lullaby” (Life of Pi)
“Skyfall” (Skyfall) – If this doesn’t win it will be the worst decision of the evening.
“Suddenly” (Les Misérables) – I don’t even remember this song.
Who ya got?
Tags: Oscars
Written by: Mark
- Posted under Movies
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You really oughtta watch that ParaNorman. The hero/villain showdown is a refreshing kind of dynamic that the film industry needs to make note of, and that’s not even referencing how awestruck the art direction of the scene left me. I haven’t seen Ralph yet, but I really want Norman to win.
I’m liking Affleck’s chances. He already has the BAFTA, the GG, the DGA, and the Critics’ Association awards for best director (and best film where applicable), and Argo got the Best Ensemble at the SAG, which is the closest thing to a director award they have. The only real competition is Zero Dark Thirty, which got both NBR categories, but I don’t think the AA is going to go to Bigelow twice. I’m excited for Affleck.
And you’re totally right about the voting pool needing to expand. I’ve read that the only sure ways to get into the Academy are by being nominated, or by being sponsored by an existing member. I can’t find the source now but there was also something about members who die getting to bequeath their membership to anyone they wish. It seems really limited… and it bugs me that most of the members are likely retired from the industry (whereas most of the “guilds” are basically unions – dues and all – and seem like they’d be made up of artists actively seeking employment).
I don’t always post comments on your blog, but when I do, I post in excess.
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I was thinking you didn’t read anymore, so I’m glad to see the comment – not excessive at all :)
I plan to watch ParaNorman, and I’m excited about doing so. It’s just… Lego Star Wars III is taking more time than I expected it to. I’ve heard nothing but good things about ParaNorman.
It’s really weird that Affleck isn’t up for director but Argo is up for Picture. I honestly think it’s just a matter of time for him. I thought The Town was really, really good. I will also admit to being one of about 6 people who liked him as Daredevil, though, so what do I know? ;)
I’m not sure how you fix the Academy, but it sure sounds like they don’t want to anyway :/
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I meticulously read everything on my blogroll, I just don’t always have anything to add!
And I honestly did not know he was not nominated as director. That is really really bizarre. There should be rules about wild card nominees or something (standard deviations?), because based on all these other ceremonies, it’s obvious he only just barely missed it.
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I hate that the Best Picture has been upped to 10 entries.
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I also dislike that :/
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I’ve seen Brave. That’s it. Also, it seems like the same bunch of films just rack up nominations in all the important categories, and every other film just didn’t exist or something. I don’t get excited about the Oscars or any other award show. Big ol’ meh over here.
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I like watching the Oscars for the same reason I like watching the Super Bowl when no team I like is in it – the shared spectacle.
Also the Remembrance video, because I’m surprised sometimes by who died.