March 4, 2013 I Am Super Lame
Today’s installment of Let’s Watch Something Together will be late. How late? Late late. I apologize.
For what’s it’s worth, it’s The Walking Dead’s fault. My wife and I started it on Netflix and, well, that’s where the time went.
UPDATE: Folks, it’s not going to happen today, I’m afraid :/ To keep with the (sorta regular) schedule, I’m going to push this week’s episode to next Monday rather than cram two episodes into the next few days. Thanks for watching the episode this week and take this week off, eh?
Written by: Mark
- Posted under Site
Permalink # daniel said
At least you have a good excuse
Permalink # Mark said
By the time we finished Season 1 yesterday, I was too tired to do anything else! I need to manage my time better.
Permalink # Meags said
It wasn’t that great of an episode anyway.
Permalink # Mark said
I remember feeling very anxious for Ted throughout it.