March 8, 2013 The Internet Is Made of Cats
Folks, I’ll just flat-out admit it: this was a tough week for me, idea-wise. I’m not saying that posting a cat video is admitting defeat, but it’s the closest thing. If this compilation of cats being jerks wasn’t so great, I’d feel worse about it.
Come back next week, when zwolanerd will see its first guest post and get back on the Let’s Watch Something Together trolley.
Thanks for visiting!
Written by: Mark
- Posted under Internet
Permalink # bd said
If you posted a cat video every day, I wouldn’t even be mad.
OH! Cats Monday and Friday, dogs Tuesday and Thursday, and a rotating Wednesday with everything from owls to sloths to foxes.
Yep. Do that.
Permalink # Mark said
So what you’re saying is… the stuff I normally post is no good. I see.
Permalink # bd said
EXACTLY! Be better at entertaining me. Specifically. I also like professional wrestling and bad movies. You know, for weekend posts.
Permalink # Mark said
Now I gotta do weekend posts, too?? Dang.
Permalink # daniel said
I think you should have a couple of cat posts ready in your virtual hip pocket for Fridays. A nice way to end the week. Your “normal” stuff is great, but really, you’re one of the first people I think of when I think “cat” and “internet”
Permalink # Mark said
I don’t mind being thought of that way :)
Honestly, my first instinct was to do another cat version of tGIF, but I only have two currently lined up and it didn’t seem like enough.