May 1, 2013 Giveaway!
UPDATE: There won’t be a post today (May 2) so that this giveaway will stay at the top. No Wonderfalls recap tonight, either, as Meags is on vacation. Tell your friends about the giveaway and come back and see us tomorrow!
To celebrate six months of being around, I thought I’d do a little celebratory giveaway. Now, I’m not made out of money, so I’m kind of limited on what I can give away here, so you’ll have to bear with me about the fact that you’re not getting a full Batman suit or a new TV or anything. Sorry! Maybe if I put ads on the site or something… I’ll keep that in mind for the year anniversary.
So what am I giving away? Movies I have extras of! Wooooooo! These are movies I’ve either upgraded to Blu-Ray or got doubles of when I got married three years ago. I list them for you here in the order in which I think you’d enjoy them:
- 13 Going on 30 – Okay, fine, I’ll admit it: this is one I got a double of when I got married, meaning that, yes, I owned my own copy. I swear it’s because of the Thriller dance sequence!
- The Wedding Singer – My favorite Adam Sandler movie. Weirdly, I have two DVDs and a Blu-Ray of this one.
- The Frighteners – Still sealed! I recently bought the Blu-Ray because I figured why not upgrade, and it also purported to have movie cash for me to go see Oblivion, but I couldn’t end up using that because I don’t have a Fandango-enabled theater nearby. Jerks.
- Serenity – I have two DVDs and a Blu-Ray of this as well. Movie studious love me.
- UHF – Several years ago Target was selling this movie on DVD for $5 apiece. I bought several copies to give away, and I’m down to two copies left. Still waiting for this to hit Blu-Ray.
- The Princess Bride – Still sealed! Had it on DVD, bought a special edition DVD, and then got the Blu-Ray. I may have a sickness.
In addition, the lucky winner will also get
- One Q*bert drawing, done by me however I want, with your suggestion as a theme
So there you go. Here are the details:
- The winner can choose to pick anywhere from one to all six of the movies. I realize that you might already have some or all of these, and I don’t want you to have the same problem I do.
- I’m sorry, international zwolanerdlings (Yeah, I’m field-testing that. Deal with it!), but this is only open to US and Canadian residents. You wouldn’t be able to watch the DVDs anyway :(
- To enter, you must comment on this entry and include two pieces of information:
-Which movies you’d choose from that list, anywhere from one to all of them
-Something you’d like to see covered here at zwolanerd in the future - The winner will be chosen by some yet-to-be-determined random method, which may or may not involve cats
- All entries must be posted by noon (Eastern) on Friday, May 3, 2013.
This is my way of saying thanks for visiting!
Written by: Mark
- Posted under Site
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The Wedding Singer!!!
I’d like to see some of the things that shaped you into who you are today in review form. Movies, music, whatever. Your general feelings about the subject and how it moved you in a certain direction.
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The only film I haven’t seen on this list is The Frighteners. I wouldn’t mind seeing it.
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And for the second part of your entry…?
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I think he meant he wouldn’t mind seeing it on Zwolanerd. You know, embedded or something.
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Well now that you mention it what I’d love to see at Zwolanerd is a detailed explanation of how you use cats to make decisions.
I actually had an idea for your site and now I can use it to maybe win a copy of UHF. Second chance: You watch a show or movie that you either never bothered to see or that you saw but didn’t care for when you were younger. Then tell us why you didn’t see it or care for it, then watch it again and see if your view has changed or if you regret not having watched it sooner.
My two cents: I think this would work best for stuff that was just outside your interest or that rubbed you slightly the wrong way; but not so much that it offended you at all. It also would be good if it was something that is in some way acclaimed (like from the AFI top 100 or a cult classic or something) and it would probably work best with stuff released in your lifetime but not in the last 5 or 10 years.
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I don’t own Serenity (or FireFly). Gimme!
I think you should be reading more Batman trades you haven’t read and talking about them. Because I like to talk about Batman.
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I’m going to admit that I don’t own 13 going on 30, but I’d love to (and I’d probably be nice and ask you to also send me UHF for D although I am disinterested, generally.)
Idea! I really think you should investigate weekly/daily qberts since I know how happy drawing them makes you.
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Definitely The Wedding Singer or The Frighteners. Pick one from a hat!
What I’d like to see on this site is your take on movie ratings and censorship. How serious should movie ratings be taken, what should and shouldn’t be allowed in movies, and how they influence children. And also whether or not it’s up to the government to keep kids from being exposed to bad things or the parents. You know… That kind of stuff.
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I would be happy to take 13 Going on 30, Serenity, or The Princess Bride off your hands! How thoughtful of you to recycle your DVDs! I’ll say thanks for that, even if I’m not the winner!
I think it would be fun to do a weekly post of a “Decade of Movies”; pick a decade, pick a day a week to review a movie, each post being the next year in the decade (Movie/Post1: 1980, Movie/Post 2: 1981, etc.) You could pick whichever movie you wanted, and maybe you’d end up watching something you’ve never watched before. OR! You could take movie suggestions from others!
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1. 13 Going on 30, The Wedding Singer, and The Frighteners. I own the other 3, of course.
2. I ashamedly admit, I haven’t read every post you’ve made, so I’m not sure what you’ve covered. Um… How about Top 5 movies that sucked so bad, you want your 2 hours back?
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1. Serenity and Princess Bride.
2. More guest posts by me. Or at least one. Working on a draft tonight maybe. Also . . . I don’t know, it’s pretty good as is. Musical stuff, perhaps?
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Wedding Singer and UHF! :D
Have you done a sort of list of “great romantic scenes set to great romantic music” or something? Like, just those wonderful scenes in romantic comedies/TV shows when the couple FINALLY kisses, usually set to music? :D
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What do I want to see here? I think this Zwolanerd is fine the way it is. You’ve got a regular thing of guest posts, your own pop culture love, regular update. More of the same, Mark.
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I want all of them. Because I’m greedy and I don’t own them already.
I’m hoping you will write a preview of what you expect from the upcoming Arrested Development season.
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Brian Arnold
Were I to win I’d probably take The Wedding Singer, Serenity, and The Princess Bride. Don’t own any of them and haven’t seen (but have heard great things about) the first two.
As for things I’d like to see, hmm. I’ve really enjoyed the “How games affect me” post and that’d be really interesting to see more of.
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I don’t want any of your movies, but my suggestion is BUFFY! as always. :D