May 20, 2013 Better Off Ted S02E01 – Love Blurts
Okay, I’ll be honest: I don’t have much to say about this episode. I mean, I like that it picks right up where last season left off with Ted deciding to be a “guy who goes on dates,” but that whole Utah Indian language thing is my least favorite plot point in the whole run of the show. I am not a fan (read: “I dislike vehemently”) any kinds of stories where some simple communication would fix a misunderstanding (things like “The Importance of Being Earnest,” for example). On top of that, the ridiculous words that Ted comes up with are… ugh, so frustrating. This whole thing just rubs me the wrong way. Furthermore, Linda’s outrightly mean use of the language to torpedo Ted (who, it should be noted, deserves to be torpedoed here, but could have been in a nice way) is just so mean. I get that Linda likes Ted and doesn’t like to see him dating someone else, and I also get that she’s on edge because the guy she went out with likes to dress up like a bear, but still. The worst part is that Danielle seems like a nice person, someone Ted would really get along well with, and I know they can’t keep her around and the reason she doesn’t stay is completely realistic, it’s just frustrating.
The other storylines are fine, but the main one leaves such a bad taste in my mouth that it flavors everything else. Don’t get me wrong, I still like the majority of the episode, but if I were somehow able to order all 26 episodes (I wouldn’t be), this one would be at the bottom, which still makes it better than any episode of [INSERT TERRIBLE SHOW HERE] I’ve ever seen.
I feel like I’m letting you down with this episode, but I really didn’t have much other insight, I’m afraid. Let me know in the comments the stuff that struck you. I will say that Veronica’s delivery of the “Lem, you remember the NASA guys?” line is absolutely one of my favorite timing/delivery bits on the show ever.
Bits and pieces:
- “Remember ‘Whee, Pension rollbacks?'” – Ted
- “Well, technically Mr. Cynical can’t be happy, it is his power and his curse.” – Ted
- I don’t completely understand what makes two people “genetically compatible,” but I do like that Veronica’s assessment of Lem boils down to “smart mom, hot dad.” She fails to mention that Lem’s mom is also hot (we find this out later this season when we meet her).
- Lem’s dad was the first male supermodel
- Ted’s favorite movie is Caddyshack
- “That’s why it wasn’t called Romeo & Juliet & Lem & Phil.” – Ted
- “I will rescue a young, beautiful lady from a Tedless existence.” – Ted
- “Twice a week after work, I put on a totally realistic bear costume and hang out in the park.” – Greg
- The Myman Family Tree looks like Wikipedia
- “Sorry, Ted, I’m actively disappointing you.” – Phil
- Phil crying in the elevator, Veronica unfazed by it – “Shh, I love this song.”
- I suggest that “The Prolific Mymans” would be a good name for your garage band
- “Drugs: they take the edge off.” – Sign on the wall in the medical clinic
- “Run, I’m all bluff” – Veronica
- “Who would have guessed it would be a bad idea to let a giant corporation’s financial agenda dictate who we date?” – Linda
No commercial this week! Boo!
Ideas/Inventions mentioned in this episode:
- Nutrition pellets
- Super fast-growing moss for astronauts
Coworkers named/seen:
- Danielle, Ted’s “match”
- Greg, Linda’s “match”
- The receptionist at the medical clinic, unnamed but has lines
Next week: S02E02 – The Lawyer, the Lemur and the Little Listener
Tags: Better Off Ted, LWST
Written by: Mark
- Posted under TV
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I agree. The only good thing about Ted’s story line in this episode is that it sets us up to learn of Veronica seemingly encyclopedic knowledge of Utah. While mildly interesting that doesn’t come close to making up for it.
The bear costume story line bothers me in this one as well. Verdian employees are strange but otherwise seem to be of average or above average intelligence. Furry tendencies aside Greg had to realize that dressing as a bear an a public park was going to end badly for him.
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I did appreciate that at least he went out of his way to mention it was a “realistic” bear suit, as opposed to a comic-y/furry thing. Perhaps it was the result of some testing gone weird at Veridian…
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I think it’s the realistic part that I have the most problem with. You go up to a kid looking like a bear and someone is going to end up shooting you with something.
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Truer words were never spoken.
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But The Importance of Being Earnest is HILARIOUS.
More Bear-Guy would be nice.
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Hey, I’d be the first guy to tell you Taye Diggs should be in more things. Maybe Bear Guy could show up for Medieval Fight Night.
We will have to agree to disagree on Earnest there.
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I like that there are two interracial matches in this episode, based on genetic science. And that no one comments on that being weird. :D
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You know, I thought that, too, but then thought pointing it out would ruin them not pointing it out, so… :P