July 26, 2013 Good Things in Bad Stuff Liveblog: X-Men Origins: Wolverine
That title has a lot of colons in it.
This movie has taken a lot of flack for being terrible, and I haven’t watched it in a while. In case you’ve forgotten, our semi-regular “Good Things in Bad Stuff” feature tries to find exactly that. I’ll do my best not to complain about the film and instead talk about the stuff in that is good, fun, and cool.
Here we go!
Written by: Mark
- Posted under Movies
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Wolverine has been seen knocked unconscious with the claws staying out and retracting.
I haven’t seen the movie, so I can’t say for sure it’s the same, but they made Wolverine (and Deadpool) indestructible to make them super soldiers was the cover story. It turned out later that there were people behind it for, you know, reasons
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Gambit is a shibboleth in the comics community. People who like him are usually looked at as only fans of the cartoon. People who have read the comics tend to hate him. He’s mostly useless
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Not allowing Deadpool to be insanely hilarious takes away the entire point of the character
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See, those are the comments I needed!