October 15, 2013 Tuesday 10: Sandra Bullock Movies
“America’s Sweetheart” is a term that gets bandied about now and again. Meg Ryan had the title for a while, and I’m pretty sure Audrey Hepburn did, too. I think Sandra Bullock even had it for while, but then lost it while moving once or something, but I think she might have it again now? It’s very hard to keep track, honestly.
I think you have to work very hard to dislike Ms. Bullock. She seems nice and most of her work is in enjoyable things, and those two things are the main criteria for being America’s Sweetheart. I don’t know what the criteria are for other country’s sweethearts, but that’s what we’ve got going on here, so start padding your résumé.
Here are my favorite Sandra Bullock movies:
10. The Proposal (2009) – I know this one might as well be named “Generic Rom-Com #872,” but it has Betty White in it. Also, I have a soft spot for this movie because it was the one of the first ones my wife and I saw together.
9. The Heat (2013) – Sandy does comedy pretty well, especially if she gets to play the straight woman. Few do “uptight” like her, so pairing her with Melissa McCarthy was a pretty good idea.
8. While You Were Sleeping (1995) – I think this is the one that earned her “America’s Sweetheart” the first time around. I don’t remember too many details about this one, other than Peter Gallagher played the “coma guy” and my favorite thing he ever did was be a lounge singer in The Hudsucker Proxy. This is how my brain works.
7. The Net (1995) – The movie with “that girl” from “the bus,” according to Frank Costanza. Notable for being many people’s first look at what the future of the Internet might be. “We’ll be able to order pizzas online?!?”
6. The Blind Side (2009) – I don’t know that she should’ve gotten a Best Actress Oscar for this, but I don’t mind her having a Best Actress Oscar, if that makes any sense.
5. Crash (2004) – I know it isn’t cool to like this movie, either, but I don’t really care. Boiled-down, manipulative diatribes on topics can still help start discussions.
4. The Lake House (2006) – I couldn’t say exactly what it is I like about this one so much. A TARDIS mailbox next to a house with a tree growing through it? Okay, sure. I think I like that little bit of scifi that makes it possible for these two to get together – it’s a bit like the traffic sign in L.A. Story, but not as witty.
3. Speed (1994) – I’ve never seen the sequel, but I’ve heard enough about it to know that I don’t need to. At the same time, I can completely understand why they’d want to make a sequel to this movie.
2. Gravity (2013) – I absolutely loved this movie. Beautiful and terrifying, it reinforces my decision to never be an astronaut (even though that’s not even really up to me anymore).
1. Demolition Man (1993) – You’d be surprised, I think, how often I want to end conversations with “Be well, Lenina Huxley!”
Tags: Sandra Bullock, Tuesday10
Written by: Mark
- Posted under Movies
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Bah, pizza hut let you order online as early as 1994. Yesterday a friend of mine legally ordered marijuana delivery online which made me think he’s living in the legal future but Washington State is just ahead of the game.
I’m a sucker for the movie Demolition Man. I’m not usually one for action movies but I always like that one. Here’s a site that tricks the Demolition Man Prophecies http://www.timothymorgan.info/static/predictions/
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That’s a great site!
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Demolition Man sucks if only because they never elaborate on what the 3 shells method is
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Why ruin the mystery?!
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I’d rearrange order a bit but overall pretty good, to my mind.
So, um, are you controlled by little robots now? How exactly does space travel enter your possibilities realm?
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Hope Floats should have made your list. Yeah it’s a chick flick, but Sandra is awesome. Gena Rowland’s character is quirky awesomeness. Harry Connick Jr is in it and he makes every movie better. Plus it has a very young Mae Whitman stealing the show in one particular poignant scene. Just my opinion. ;)
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It barely missed the cut! I liked it a lot more than I expected to going in.
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I’d just like to take this opportunity to say that 1) I hated While You Were Sleeping, and 2) Miss Congeniality was hilarious.
Thank you.
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I’m not sure how you hate that movie – dislike I can see, even apathy. Hate?
Miss Congeniality was pretty funny, I agree. It almost made the list!
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“While you were sleeping” was terrible. I can’t even articulate how bad it was – I didn’t finish watching it and I usually really enjoy Sandra in everything she’s in.
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WYWS, the next Dire DVD?
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I’ll do an underground site, to mock all the movies you like.
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That seems like a lot of work to go through to be mean :(
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WYWS is one of my all time faves. And i dont even like bill pullman.
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Bill’s a goofy kind of all right. And he’s the President in Independence Day!