April 1, 2014 Tuesday 10: Movies of 1993
Considering today is April 1, I wanted to do something fool-related, but none of my ideas were panning out (the best of which was “Mr. T Roles,” but I hadn’t seen enough of them to do a whole list). So the fallback is the next year in our “Movies of ____” series. You’ll have to get your fool-related content elsewhere!
10. In the Line of Fire – This one made #3 on my list of Rene Russo movies. I’ll never be quite sure about the “romance” between the two leads, but the movie is good regardless.
9. Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story – One of my favorite biopics. It plays a little fast and loose with the facts (like most biopics), but the main points are there. I’ll always be fascinated by Bruce Lee and I thought the mix of fact and mystical elements worked here.
8. Cliffhanger – #4 on my Stallone list.
7. Army of Darkness – My favorite of the Evil Dead movies (so far). More silly than gross is what makes the difference for me.
6. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm – Until The Dark Knight came along, this was the best Batman movie.
5. Last Action Hero – An underappreciated Arnold movie. It isn’t perfect, but it’s a lot of fun.
4. Demolition Man – #3 on my Stallone list and #1 on my Sandra Bullock list. As a side note, Taco Bell serves breakfast now, so the vision of them being the only fast food restaurant in the future is becoming more and more likely.
3. Jurassic Park – I don’t think they’ll ever make a better dinosaur movie than this one.
2. Groundhog Day – On paper this movie sounds impossible to put together. One of my all-time favorites, I’m thinking top 20 for sure.
1. The Nightmare Before Christmas – The Tim Burtonest non-Tim Burton movie ever made. Touching, funny, weird, and a little gross. This one’s a Halloween tradition for me, but I could watch it most any time.
Notable omissions:
- Mrs. Doubtfire – I liked it well enough at the time, but I haven’t felt the need to revisit it in 15+ years.
- The Fugitive – Great movie, certainly (and The Janitor is in it!), but again, I never feel like I need to watch this one again.
- Schindler’s List – This movie would be at the top of my list entitled “Great movies I hope I never have to see again.” It’s powerful, important, and hard to watch.
- Sleepless in Seattle – I should probably give this one another try. It’s been a long time.
- Philadelphia – Never seen it.
- Cool Runnings – Fun, certainly, but is this in anyone’s top ten list?
- Free Willy – Never seen this one, either.
Written by: Mark
- Posted under Movies
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Hot Shots Part Deux? TMNT 3? Robin Hood Men In Tights? Rudy? Wayne’s World 2? So I Married An Axe Murderer?
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I’ve never seen Rudy or WW2, if you can believe it. I like those other ones, they just didn’t make the top ten!
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Wait – you’ve never seen Wayne’s World 2? Rudy I can believe but Wayne’s World 2? It’s like I don’t know you anymore.
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I always meant to, it just hasn’t happened yet!
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I freakin’ love Cool Runnings, but I also love the Winter Olympics in general, and the fact that half the movie is set in Canada might say something about my love for it too.
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Those seem like good reasons to like it :)