October 3, 2014 Pop Culture Time Machine: Concert
Pop Culture Time Machine is when I choose what role I’d go back and play if I were given the choice (and a time machine).
Previous entries had me taking over a part that someone else played, but I can’t do that here. In this instance, it’s an event that I would choose to be attend:
The Beatles’ Rooftop Concert on January 30, 1969
I considered two other Beatles events – their first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show and their concert at Shea Stadium in 1965 – but this one wins out for two reasons:
- Later Beatles are my favorite Beatles
- It was their very last performance together
It must have been strange for those who stumbled on that concert that day. If you watched any of Let It Be, you can see the bewildered looks on a few faces (as well as a few who were clearly bothered by the racket). But to the fans, it must have been a bit magical. Free concert! By The Beatles! Of course, there was no way any of those who gathered to listen could know this was the last time the group would perform together. Knowing that would make the event more meaningful, more bittersweet.
I think my favorite part is that you can see moments of joy on each of their faces. There was so much animosity and so many bad feelings among the four of them by this time (they officially disbanded 10 months later), but for 42 minutes they were doing what they loved with a group who did it better than most.
It would’ve been something to see.
Tags: Beatles, Pop Culture Time Machine
Written by: Mark
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Seen both Let It Be and the full rooftop concert in a movie theater.