November 13, 2014 What I’m Playing: November 2014

The “unlimited” in the title refers to how much real-world money you could spend on stuff in the game.
It has been over a year since I’ve done a “What I’m Playing,” which seems weird to me. How have you people gotten along without this information?
I just this week got a new phone, so I’ve reinstalled most of the games that were on the last one, but my save games mostly don’t transfer, so I’m starting from scratch on them.
- Temple Run 2 (Windows Phone) – There is one more achievement I’m after on this, the Bonus Items one. Apparently is should have popped when I played it on my previous phone, but many say it’s glitched. Hopefully it’ll pop this time through.
- Spider-Man Unlimited (Windows Phone) – Another endless runner game, but this one has hand-drawn Spider-Man panels and is lots of fun. I’m not very good at, but it’s going better on my new phone with a larger screen. There are a lot of things going on at the same time and my eyes and fingers can’t seem to keep up with it. You earn costumes for Spidey as you play, though, and it’s very addicting.
- Clicker Heroes (Online) – Honestly, I couldn’t tell you why I’m playing this one. I don’t even completely understand it. It scratches my “leveling up!” itch, I guess. It’s not very interactive (unless you want it to be), so it’s more about earning money over time and upgrading your heroes so you can… earn more money over time. The scale on this thing is bananapants, and I think that’s part of the appeal.
- The Simpsons Tapped Out (iOS) – The Halloween update is just now ending and it was fun (except I couldn’t earn Mr. Burns’ alien costume). These guys have consistently brought events, characters, and buildings to the game, which gives it longevity. I’ve been playing for over two years now! (Maybe 3? I’ve lost track.)
- Assassin’s Creed: Unity (Xbox One) – I just started this one. I’m hearing a lot of complaints about it, but so far it seems fine. “More of the same” is never going to be a complaint I have about game series I like.
- Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (Xbox 360) – I got this very cheaply a couple of months ago and I’m enjoying it. Rather, I was enjoying it until recently. I got to a room and couldn’t figure out what to do – there were no puzzles or exits anywhere. I looked it up online and there’s supposed to be an enemy up on one platform that I can use a special move to get to him, but he’s not there. Without him, I can’t do the move and I can’t get to the platform, so I won’t be able to progress. I’m more than halfway through the game, but if I want to finish it, I’ll need to start another game, apparently. I am not thrilled about this, and I haven’t decided if I’m going to.
- Alien: Isolation (Xbox One) – Borrowed from a friend. I’m very impressed with the atmosphere they’ve brought to life in the game, but I’m just not enjoying it. I don’t know if I’ll ever want to finish it.
- Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition (Xbox One) – I won this from Windows Central while watching a stream of them playing it. I played it years and years ago (like, 20), but if I hadn’t watched their stream of it I would have been lost so many times. As it was, it ended up being a quick playthrough (like 90 minutes) for 1,000 Gamerpoints. Not too bad for a free game.
Hope to play soon:
- Lego Batman 3 (Xbox One) – I still haven’t played the Lego Hobbit game, but I want to play this one more.
- Dragon Age Inquisition (Xbox One) – It’s the closest I can get to playing Mass Effect on a next generation machine. I’m hearing a lot of good things about this one.
What are you playing these days?
Written by: Mark
- Posted under Videogames
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We picked up LEGO Batman 3 on Tuesday. It was a day off for the kids and August and Ciaran played a few hours of it already and love it. They can’t wait for the weekend to play it more.
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I am really looking forward to playing it. I might should have gotten it before Assassin’s Creed, honestly.