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I guess I just like liking things


A few weeks ago I dusted off Ski or Die and played it badly for you. Since it’s a reskin/remake of Skate or Die (and since it was suggested) I played the first one for you this week. Which makes it all backwards, but never mind – we’ll soldier on.

Playing this with a keyboard genuinely stinks. I can’t compare to how it plays with a joystick, because I don’t have a joystick. I can say compared to the newer Ski or Die it’s awful. At least with Ski or Die you can chose either without much difference and still get the game playing. This is doable, but not great.

Other than that I don’t have a ton to say about it, it’s fine. Not great and not as great as Ski, but that might because I never played Skate as a kid and therefore have fond memories of Ski. Who knows? Not me.


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