April 20, 2015 Rock Band 4 WIshes
You have no doubt heard by now that Rock Band 4 will be here soon (and by “here” I mean here in my house after I buy a copy). This has made me extremely happy and I’m already looking forward to scheduling an Endless Setlist day. I have a lot of faith in the Rock Band team, but that doesn’t stop me from hoping a couple of things:
- SmartGlass support: SmartGlass is an Xbox thing that lets you… oh, just go look at it. I think it’d be pretty sweet if, while people are playing, someone could add songs to the play queue using SmartGlass. Normally you have make a queue, play through it, then make a new one. In party situations SmartGlass could make things a lot smoother. They already had this with Dance Central 3, so it’s certainly doable.
- Keyboard support: Label this one “Not Likely.” They’ve already announced that there won’t be piano parts for the songs in Rock Band 4. I’ll miss those, but what I really like is playing guitar/bass parts using the keyboard. The Rock Band keyboard functioned much like a guitar in Rock Band 3, and I would really like it if the new one supported it as an alternate controller (and, as an extra cool bonus, this functionality could be added to Beatles Rock Band, too, thank you very much).
Anything you’re wishing they’d add?
As a bonus, here are some songs I’ve already suggested on the official form, and would love to have in the game:
- “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers
- “If It Makes You Happy” by Sheryl Crow
- “Keep Your Hands to Yourself” by The Georgia Satellites
- “Little Talks” by Of Monsters and Men
- “Ways to Go” by Grouplove
- “Road to Nowhere” by Talking Heads
- “That Thing You Do” by The Wonders (Oneders?)
- Anything by Weird Al. Literally anything.
Tags: Rock Band
Written by: Mark
- Posted under Music, Videogames
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I want the rest of the Beatles catalog.
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Oh, man, I hear you on that one!