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I guess I just like liking things

Author Archives: Mark

I’ll warn you right off the bat: this entry won’t interest anyone but me. I like to sometimes break down the numbers on things I enjoy. Sometimes it reveals interesting patterns. Sometimes it’s just fun. I don’t know what prompted me to start, but I’ve been keeping movie journals since 2005. I do remember keeping a […]


Our last post was over two weeks ago?! What in the world is going on?? Oh, that’s right: While I realize this is a cheap way to return (what with it not being an actual post or anything), I did want to let you know we’re back at it and there’s already one scheduled post […]

This here’s the last post for 2014, folks. I’ve never had much luck trying to get things written over the holidays, so I’ve decided to embrace it and give you all a couple weeks off. We’ll be back in January, and if you want to know exactly when, it’s probably best you follow us on Twitter or add […]

Spell check keeps telling me that “videogames” isn’t one word, but I’m still the boss around here, spell check, so you can stick it up your nose. An end-of-the-year list of games suffers the most at my hands, compared to any other list. Games are the most expensive things and I tend to not buy […]

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So far this year I have seen 30 movies in the theater (with no repeats, even). It would be more, but my usual movie-going buddy and his wife had a baby in early November, so I haven’t been to as many as I’d like this fall. I thought I would undertake the daunting task of […]
