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I guess I just like liking things

Author Archives: Mark

It’s the end of the year (as we know it) and that means it’s time for “best of” lists, right? I think anyone with a website is required by law to produce them, on pain of disinterest. I’ve been mulling which lists I could pull off, and since I kept track of albums I bought this […]


Please allow me to introduce you to someone new. This is Q*bella, a Dalish elf rogue who hasn’t yet decided on an official specialty, but whose current specialty is shooting at things with arrows from a great distance. She is eager to help almost anyone, as long as they aren’t a complete jerkface (or a […]


I may not have seen many movies from this year, but one of them is one of my all-time favorites. 6. The Wicker Man – I have not seen the recent remake that stars Nicolas Cage, which I hear is pretty crazy. Honestly, this version is crazy enough. Very, very odd movie. 5. Robin Hood – This […]

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I bought a Rihanna album last week, my second one. Her music (as a general rule) falls outside my usual tastes, but her voice is beautiful and she has a couple of songs that I just can’t resist. Since Ms. Rihanna is given to much foul language, I tend to buy her albums at Walmart, where […]


I’ve been watching the USA Network’s show “Benched” for a few weeks now – not continuously, mind you, just when it’s been on. Or later, usually, since DVRing things is better because you can fast forward commercials. But doesn’t not watching commercials mean shows you don’t like don’t make as much money? And then when […]
