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I guess I just like liking things

Author Archives: Mark

The “yearly” lists are getting smaller and smaller, so it seemed time to bring you an oversized one that you’ll never read all the way through. There’s a book named 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die that has been updated a few times to include new movies and delete old ones.  I have […]


I currently have 480 songs on my Zune. Unlike many people, I’m not a fan of putting whole albums on my MP3 player and then cultivating playlists. I’d much rather just put the songs I like the most from particular albums on there and then hit shuffle. Still, some days I’ll find myself skipping song after […]

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We traveled to Iowa this weekend to see family and have an early Thanksgiving, and that seems to have affected my ability to have an actual post for you. Instead, I offer this list of famous people who were born in Iowa, which has been whittled down to some of my favorites. Please do not […]

I am completely invested in the Assassin-Templar war. I’m on it, I dig it, and I don’t much care that it most likely won’t ever end. I’m signed on for the whole Animus thing and digging into memories, and I even don’t mind the “hey, we figured out how to relive memories of people you […]
