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I guess I just like liking things

Author Archives: Mark

This weekend I watched Man of Steel with some friends. I’d seen it twice before, but it had been a long time (11 months) since I’d last seen it. I’ve read a bunch of reactions to it (previously on zwolanerd: Daniel’s thoughts on it) and we’re already gearing up the hype train for 2016’s Batman/Superman movie. I […]


I’ve called myself “Gamer” for a long time now, but recent events have made me hesitant to even use the word anymore. Talking about how it all started just seems to give it power, but let me sum things up as I understand them: People made some accusations which may or may not have been true […]

The only reason I’m even bothering with this year is because of Star Wars. I remember so little about most of these, the only six I’ve seen from this year: 6. Saturday Night Fever – John Travolta plays a jerk who dances well. That is pretty much the plot to this movie. It’s a neat snapshot […]

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My wife had never seen the movie Alien, and since it’s October (Scary Movie Month) I talked her into watching it. It’s long been #1 on my Scariest Movies Ever list, so I thought she should give it a try. The short version is that she liked it, which surprised me. “It’s held up really […]


As I’ve mentioned before, sometimes I just do searches for “Q*bert” and see what new things I haven’t seen before. Since most search engines recognize the * as a modifier, it can be tricky, but I persevere. I can’t believe I hadn’t seen this comic before, especially since it’s dated 2007. It’s from Dueling Analogs, […]

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