Author Archives: Mark
January 27, 2015 Tuesday 10: Movies of 1997
I have seen 59 of the movies released in 1997, and I’m not counting the Star Wars re-releases even though they were the Special Editions (take that, George Lucas!). 1997 was the year Titanic was released, the first movie to make a billion dang dollars. Of course, it was also the year Batman & Robin was […]
- Posted under Movies
January 26, 2015 Music Monday: LEGO Rock Band
I got it in my head a while back that I’d like to finish up some achievements in LEGO Rock Band. This was most likely prompted by two things: My annual New Year’s Eve party, which always includes setting up Rock Band on a projector in the garage (we’re a garage band, see). Knowing I’ll never […]
Tags: Achievements, Lego, Rock Band
- Posted under Music, Videogames
January 23, 2015 Q*bert Qlip
I have no idea where this is from, but my friend Matt pointed it out to me a while ago and I felt you needed to see it since my ultimate goal here at zwolanerd is to be all-Q*bert all the time. I honestly can’t tell if these are people in costumes or puppets. Coily […]
Tags: Q*bert
- Posted under Videogames
January 22, 2015 Explain, Please
I like a lot of different kinds of movies, just like you do. We might not like the same kinds, and that’s fine. If you don’t like Grosse Pointe Blank it’s okay that you’re wrong, and I can still like you as a person (if I work at it). You probably think I’m weird for […]
- Posted under Movies
January 20, 2015 Tuesday 10: Movies of 1996
It’s a lot easier to do these lists when I’ve only seen 5 or 6 of the movies that year, I’m finding. When it’s 56 movies like it is for this year, it gets a little more complicated. It’s still fun, it’s just more complicated. I only saw 7 of the top 10 from this […]
- Posted under Movies