Category Archives: Internet
April 12, 2013 tGIF
Listen: I’m not stupid. I know you guys like cat gifs. My insane theory is: maybe some times give people what they want. Besides, I sort of mentioned yesterday that I might do it, and then it seemed like a good idea. Bonus non-cat GIFs!
Tags: tGIF
- Posted under Internet
March 15, 2013 tGIF: Gripe Edition
Today is one of those rare days where I gripe on the site. But if you bear with me, I will reward you with three unrelated cat GIFs at the end. Deal? Deal. I know people are split on the idea of achievements in games – some think they add to the enjoyment, some say […]
Tags: Achievements, cats, gripe, tGIF
- 1 comment
- Posted under Internet, Videogames
March 8, 2013 The Internet Is Made of Cats
Folks, I’ll just flat-out admit it: this was a tough week for me, idea-wise. I’m not saying that posting a cat video is admitting defeat, but it’s the closest thing. If this compilation of cats being jerks wasn’t so great, I’d feel worse about it. Come back next week, when zwolanerd will see its first […]
- Posted under Internet
February 19, 2013 Tuesday 16+7: Black & White Movies
A friend of mine was telling me yesterday that I have no appreciation for the classics. He’s not completely wrong – my pop culture history starts in the mid-70s. That doesn’t mean I don’t like anything before that, I’m just not as versed in that. He challenged me to do a “black & white” list […]
Tags: Tuesday10
- Posted under Internet