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I guess I just like liking things

Category Archives: Internet

I don’t use Facebook the same way my friends do.  Sure, I have some personal photos and I occasionally pass along info about what’s going on in my life, but I mostly use it to post pictures of Batman that I find on the Internet.  As we continue Batman Week here, I thought I’d post […]

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  It’s Batman Week! This Friday and Saturday I am hosting a Batman Movie Marathon at my house, and I figured it would be great to have a week’s worth of Batman leading up to it. Here’s the viewing schedule for this weekend, in case you’d like to plan ahead to watch along at home. […]

This isn’t a huge entry, but I’ve been wanting to share this for a while and couldn’t decide on a way to include it in a larger post. Besides, it’s just so wonderful that it deserves a standalone entry. This person is watching through The X-Files and drawing a comic about each one, and it […]

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Listen, I know most of you have seen most of these cat gifs before, but since this is a site on the Internet, I am required by law to have cat gifs at regular intervals. These are some of my all-time favorite cat gifs, if that will help soothe the pain.         […]

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