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I guess I just like liking things

Category Archives: Mobile

I said I wouldn’t do it, but I did: I bought virtual donuts with actual money. I spent $20 to get 300 Donuts for The Simpsons: Tapped Out. There were two main contributing factors: Whacking Day – The current month-long even has you whacking snakes around town, and there are prizes for whacking certain amounts […]

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My corn crop came in last night. Remember my corn crop? So apparently I’m still playing 90 days later. I’ve made my peace with that. I had every intention of capturing screenshots of the crop being ready and then harvested, as I figured such a momentous occasion should be immortalized in JPEG form. Unfortunately, in […]

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It’s probably Pac-Man’s fault. I was John Rambo, minding my own business in the maze-town, chomping on pellets, when these four ghost-cops start chasing me all over. “We don’t want your kind here” is what they would have been yelling if the arcade machines of the day had voice capabilities. I just wanted to be […]

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It used to be that when I got a new game, that’s the only one I played.  These days there are so many more options that only playing one game feels like a waste of time. Here’s what I’m playing these days, organized by platform and focus: Xbox 360 (Current Gamerscore: 69,342) Lego Star Wars […]


I’ve been playing Scrabble regularly now for 20 years, which I just now realized is half my life. Whoa. Anyway, I grew up around Scrabble – my mom would play it when she got around friends and family, and they let me play every so often, but CAT and THE don’t make for very good […]
