Category Archives: Mobile
April 24, 2013 I Caved
I said I wouldn’t do it, but I did: I bought virtual donuts with actual money. I spent $20 to get 300 Donuts for The Simpsons: Tapped Out. There were two main contributing factors: Whacking Day – The current month-long even has you whacking snakes around town, and there are prizes for whacking certain amounts […]
Tags: Simpsons, Tapped Out
- Posted under Mobile, Videogames
March 14, 2013 Springfield Update
My corn crop came in last night. Remember my corn crop? So apparently I’m still playing 90 days later. I’ve made my peace with that. I had every intention of capturing screenshots of the crop being ready and then harvested, as I figured such a momentous occasion should be immortalized in JPEG form. Unfortunately, in […]
Tags: Simpsons, Tapped Out
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- Posted under Mobile, Videogames
March 13, 2013 I Apparently Hate Ghosts
It’s probably Pac-Man’s fault. I was John Rambo, minding my own business in the maze-town, chomping on pellets, when these four ghost-cops start chasing me all over. “We don’t want your kind here” is what they would have been yelling if the arcade machines of the day had voice capabilities. I just wanted to be […]
Tags: Ghostbusters, iOS
- Posted under Mobile, Movies, Videogames
February 15, 2013 What I’m Playing
It used to be that when I got a new game, that’s the only one I played. These days there are so many more options that only playing one game feels like a waste of time. Here’s what I’m playing these days, organized by platform and focus: Xbox 360 (Current Gamerscore: 69,342) Lego Star Wars […]
Tags: WIP
- Posted under Mobile, Videogames
February 6, 2013 Scrabble
I’ve been playing Scrabble regularly now for 20 years, which I just now realized is half my life. Whoa. Anyway, I grew up around Scrabble – my mom would play it when she got around friends and family, and they let me play every so often, but CAT and THE don’t make for very good […]
Tags: Scrabble
- Posted under Mobile, Tabletop