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I guess I just like liking things

Category Archives: Movies

I may not have seen many movies from this year, but one of them is one of my all-time favorites. 6. The Wicker Man – I have not seen the recent remake that stars Nicolas Cage, which I hear is pretty crazy. Honestly, this version is crazy enough. Very, very odd movie. 5. Robin Hood – This […]

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The “yearly” lists are getting smaller and smaller, so it seemed time to bring you an oversized one that you’ll never read all the way through. There’s a book named 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die that has been updated a few times to include new movies and delete old ones.  I have […]


We traveled to Iowa this weekend to see family and have an early Thanksgiving, and that seems to have affected my ability to have an actual post for you. Instead, I offer this list of famous people who were born in Iowa, which has been whittled down to some of my favorites. Please do not […]

I saw Interstellar over the weekend and I liked it a lot. I could just stop there and we’d probably all be fine, but that sort of thing doesn’t keep the lights on around here, so buckle up! First and foremost, I’m not going to pretend I understood all the science behind the movie, and, […]

Hey, since there aren’t that many movies in the list for this year, let’s add in a list of some of my favorite actors who were born this year! Two lists! Amy Adams – She’s done many great movies, but I think we can agree that her turn in The Muppets was peak Amy Adams. […]

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