Category Archives: Movies
October 21, 2014 Tuesday 6: Movies of 1976
Four more years backwards and we’ll have rewound past when I was alive. Just a reminder that these lists have become “movies I saw” rather than “my favorite movies” from whatever year. When I finally jump back into the 90s and have enough movies to have favorites, I’ll go back to having “favorite” lists. 6. Carrie – […]
October 20, 2014 Movie Monday: Man of Steel Rewatch
This weekend I watched Man of Steel with some friends. I’d seen it twice before, but it had been a long time (11 months) since I’d last seen it. I’ve read a bunch of reactions to it (previously on zwolanerd: Daniel’s thoughts on it) and we’re already gearing up the hype train for 2016’s Batman/Superman movie. I […]
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- Posted under Movies
October 14, 2014 Tuesday 6: Movies of 1977
The only reason I’m even bothering with this year is because of Star Wars. I remember so little about most of these, the only six I’ve seen from this year: 6. Saturday Night Fever – John Travolta plays a jerk who dances well. That is pretty much the plot to this movie. It’s a neat snapshot […]
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October 13, 2014 Movie Monday: Alien
My wife had never seen the movie Alien, and since it’s October (Scary Movie Month) I talked her into watching it. It’s long been #1 on my Scariest Movies Ever list, so I thought she should give it a try. The short version is that she liked it, which surprised me. “It’s held up really […]
Tags: Alien
October 9, 2014 Ghostbusters 3
The latest news on the Ghostbusters front is that Paul Feig and Katie Dippold are working on a script for a female-led Ghostbusters movie. They’re the team behind The Heat, which I liked well enough. Venkman himself, Bill Murray has gone on record as saying he thinks it’s a great idea, going so far as to suggest the […]
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