Category Archives: Movies
October 6, 2014 Staite Of Mind
I wasn’t planning to go to Awesome Con this past weekend, but my wife needed stuff picked up in Indianapolis, so I said I’d go get it for her if the house budget paid for my ticket. The use of budgets and envelopes in our house confuses me, but the short version is that I was […]
Tags: convention, Firefly
- Posted under Movies, TV
October 1, 2014 All The Toons I’ve Loved Before
Yesterday my computer decided it was pretty much time to retire from this computering business and shut itself down permanently. As a result, I don’t have a video for you because nothing downloaded in time and so instead I am taking you on a wander down memory lane with a look at my most memorable […]
Tags: LynPlays
- Posted under Movies
September 30, 2014 Tuesday 7: Movies of 1978
I was 6 years old in 1978, barely aware that movies were even a thing. I don’t remember what the first movie I ever saw was, but I remember seeing Mary Poppins at a friend’s house when I was young, and I remember the Disney cartoon Robin Hood, but I have no frame of reference […]
- Posted under Movies
September 23, 2014 Tuesday 7: Movies of 1979
I was seven years old in 1979 and here we have seven movies I liked from that year. Coincidence? Yes, very much so. 7. Manhattan – I know this is supposed to be Woody Allen At His Best and it probably is, but I couldn’t tell you. I like Woody Allen movies in general (I just […]
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- Posted under Movies
September 22, 2014 Movie Monday: All of Me
Some of you might recall how we were a crucial part of getting The Compleat Al released on DVD. Well, your help is needed again. All of Me was #4 on my Steve Martin list, but I admitted it was going mostly off memory as I hadn’t seen it in a long, long time. The main […]
Tags: Steve Martin
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- Posted under Movies