Category Archives: Music
October 21, 2013 Best Of
A couple of years ago a friend of mine put together a CD for me of songs he thought I should be aware of. I don’t remember everything off that disc, but I do know I’ve bought a couple of albums because of it. The first was a Paul Simon album because of the song […]
Tags: Cranberries
- Posted under Music
October 14, 2013 Weird Al in Concert
No, no, we’re not doing two weeks of Weird Al Week, I just needed to finish off last week with one more entry because of the concert on Friday. I went with four friends, none of whom had been to a Weird Al concert before. We we sitting in row TT, which in that theater […]
Tags: Weird Al
- Posted under Music
October 11, 2013 Weird Al By The Numbers
While I was doing my track rankings of Weird Al’s albums, I would frequently say “This is another food song” or “Another TV song here.” It got me wondering about how many of each of these things there were, so I decided to go through his 13 released studio albums (this includes “UHF” which […]
Tags: Weird Al
- Posted under Music
October 8, 2013 Tuesday 10: Weird Al Songs
Putting together a Top Ten list of Weird Al songs is a task I’ve put off as long as possible, while still letting it simmer on the back burner. It’s just so daunting, you know? There are so many different ways to do it, too: favorite parodies, favorite originals, funniest, darkest, food-related, TV-related, relationship-related, most […]
- Posted under Music
October 7, 2013 Albuquerque
These days when you mention Albuquerque, New Mexico, most folk’ll immediately think about Breaking Bad. It makes sense: the show was filmed in and around the city, and uses many local landmarks in the show. I haven’t seen Breaking Bad, though. And even when I eventually do, Albuquerque will still trigger for Weird Al […]