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I guess I just like liking things

Category Archives: Music

It’s Weird Al Week! Why?  Circumstances! On Wednesday, I’m going to a 25th Anniversary screening of UHF, hosted by Weird Al himself. Two days later I’m going to see Weird Al in concert for the third time. Those two circumstances made me feel like it was Weird Al Week already, so it might as well […]

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A couple of weeks ago I was wandering through Best Buy (yes, I’m the guy that still shops there) and I happened to see there was a new Sheryl Crow album out. She is on my “immediately buy” list, so I kind of had to. I wasn’t done looking around, though, and as I walked […]


Welcome to the newest feature! It’s… not really any different from most other regular features here. In the most general sense, I’m going to talk about stuff I like and stuff I’ve recently experienced. I thought it might be a good idea to lay some groundwork first, though. See, while I like music, I don’t […]


And now we finally arrive at the last (for now) studio album. Alpocalypse was released in June of 2011 and I’m just now realizing that, dang, that was two years ago.  Crazy. The most fun thing about this album for me is that I went to see him in concert several months prior to the […]


If you’ve come here looking for Barry Manilow songs, you’re about to be disappointed. I knew Mandy Patinkin as a singer a long while before I knew him as an actor. His self-titled album is the first CD I ever bought, and I still have it to this day.  It wasn’t until someone showed me […]
