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I guess I just like liking things

Category Archives: Music

This thing was all over the Internet yesterday, but I couldn’t let it slide without a mention here. Steve Martin and Kermit the Frog in “Dueling Banjos” from Steve Martin   It’s not hilarious, but it’s fun and catchy.  What I really love about this video with two of my favorite characters ever, though, is […]

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I’ve been bringing over the Weird Al series I started on my other blog for a while now.  As of the last one, though, I’m caught up as far as I made it. So now what used to be a piece of cake, copying and pasting an article, has turned into “oh, right, actual writing […]


Last night my wife and I watched Rock of Ages, mostly because it was free. We liked it okay, but we’re aware it was the music that did the trick – the songs give the illusion that the movie is good. Maybe just see what songs were on the soundtrack and listen to the originals. […]


This is the eleventh in a series of transplanted articles from my other blog. The transplants will run on Saturdays until they’re all over here. They are copied and pasted, but might get slight edits here and there.   Poodle Hat was released in May 2003. It ended up being the first album Al released […]


This is the tenth in a series of transplanted articles from my other blog. The transplants will run on Saturdays until they’re all over here. They are copied and pasted, but might get slight edits here and there. Some of these albums I have not had to re-listen to in order to rank them This […]
