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I guess I just like liking things

Category Archives: Music

A couple of months ago a friend gave me a cassette tape of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ Coming Out of Their Shells concert/musical.  He found it at a rummage sale and I don’t know how much he paid for it, but it was clearly too much/not enough, depending on your point of view. I […]

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This is the ninth in a series of transplanted articles from my other blog. The transplants will run on Saturdays until they’re all over here. They are copied and pasted, but might get slight edits here and there. This album was released on March 12, 1996. If I’m remembering correctly, this was the year I […]


This is the eighth in a series of transplanted articles from my other blog. The transplants will run on Saturdays until they’re all over here. They are copied and pasted, but might get slight edits here and there. As some of you know, I attended a Christian college.  There were very strict rules in place […]


This is the seventh in a series of transplanted articles from my other blog. The transplants will run on Saturdays until they’re all over here. They are copied and pasted, but might get slight edits here and there. My friend Brian went to a Weird Al concert last night, so it seemed like a good […]


 This is the sixth in a series of transplanted articles from my other blog. The transplants will run on Saturdays until they’re all over here. They are copied and pasted, but might get slight edits here and there.   This is a tough one to write – not because I can’t put the songs in […]
