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I guess I just like liking things

Category Archives: Music

I have been working on a project all weekend for today but I can’t get it to work the way I want it to, so I’m either giving up on it or working on it more for next Music Monday. I guess we’ll see which I end up doing. So instead of leaving you with […]


This is a slightly-edited repost of an article from 2006 on another blog of mine. A mixture of not knowing what to post and a feeling that it did not get as much traction back then as it should have is what prompts its repost here today. A few weeks back I bought the Beach […]


You probably use Shazam or SoundHound. I use Bing Audio, despite not being able to say something cool like “I Shazamed it” or “Totally SoundHounded, yo!” It’s built into the OS of my Windows Phone and it’s very quick (usually quicker than SoundHound, which I sometimes use just to see what it does), and it […]


I am not nearly as connected to music as I am to movies and videogames, despite music being way more accessible. I don’t watch movies or play games while I’m driving, and I certainly don’t put on a game or a movie to fall asleep to. Maybe it’s because music is so all around that […]

I tend to fragment my music collection based on location and use. I have all my CDs in one central location, of course, barring the occasional use in my car. I also have one central digital location where all of those albums are ripped, alongside the few digital-only songs I have purchased. Certain devices get […]

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