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I guess I just like liking things

Category Archives: Site

This is not the guest post. The guest post will be coming up later today at normal posting time (which, in case you didn’t know, is 12:06 Eastern – why? I’m not really sure, that’s just how it is). I think it’s a great list, and I think you’ll like it, and if you’ve got […]


Today’s installment of Let’s Watch Something Together will be late.  How late?  Late late.  I apologize. For what’s it’s worth, it’s The Walking Dead’s fault. My wife and I started it on Netflix and, well, that’s where the time went.     UPDATE: Folks, it’s not going to happen today, I’m afraid :/  To keep […]

So it turns out I messed up last week and turned in homework I had already done. My Stallone Tuesday 12 from last week was a repeat from the Tuesday 10 from November 20 last year.  I guess I should be more specific: the idea was a repeat, but weirdly enough, the list itself was […]

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No, not that one. I’m sorry to do this last-minute like, but Let’s Watch Something Together is moving to Mondays as of this week’s entry. That means that if you watched for today, you’re all set for Monday, and if you hadn’t yet, you have two more days!  Yay! I have a regularly-scheduled appointment for […]

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I had fully intended to keep up the posting schedule through the holidays, but family commitments conspire to keep that from happening. I have at least one entry I’d like to post before the new year (an assignment for you!), but there won’t be regular updates until after the new year, I’m afraid. Thank you […]