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I guess I just like liking things

Category Archives: Videogames

  Price: Free, or you can pour your life savings into it* Client: PC Get it at: I’m not actually sure if this is still called Entropia Universe or not. Maybe. It might also be called Planet Calypso – who knows? Not me.  Anyway, once you’ve downloaded the client and can launch the game you […]


  Price: Free, paid perks available. Client: Browser Play it at: Free MMOs are often called out for being “bare minimum” MMOs without any kind of depth, story or engagement. I’d usually argue this point as I’ve played some pretty fun games over recent months. In this case – woof. Nope. From animation to […]


  Price: Free to play, item shop available. Client: PC/Mac Get it from: or via Steam. Sometimes you hear about a game so much you kind of form a picture in your head about what it would be like to play and then you avoid it. Spiral Knights is one of those games for me, […]


Price: Basic game is free, premium membership is €4.99 a month. Client: PC, Mac Get it from: or via Steam Velvet Sundown is a perfect example of optimism gone horribly wrong, although to be fair it’s possible the majority of players are not as inclined to… let’s say “derail” and leave it there. It’s been […]


I got it in my head a while back that it would be fun to build a Q*bert out of Lego. I downloaded the Lego Digital Designer and started playing around with it a bit, but quickly realized I didn’t have the visualization skills or the patience to do it. I can see what it […]

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