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I guess I just like liking things

Category Archives: Videogames

  Price: Free to play, paid access to extra powers, DLC and other stuff. Client: PC and PS3/PS4 Get it from: You know that nonsense about Superman being cursed? I’m starting to believe it. This video is take three after two failed videos thanks to technical issues, and even this one has a random disconnect in the middle […]


I think I’ve recently figured out why I’m enjoying Lego more and more these days, and I think The Lego Movie helped clarify it in my mind: the mixing of properties. If I get the right sets, I can have Batman and Spider-Man team up with Wolverine to take out a Rancor monster and Shredder. […]


  Price: Free to play, paid membership available for larger maps and more content. Client: Browser Get it from: Everyone’s heard of Runescape. Unless you’re living under some kind of weird internet based rock, you’ve heard of Runescape. The last time I had anything much to do with it I was working in a library and we’d […]


I am not a person for stepping outside my comfort zone. I like what I like and things I don’t know are weird and maybe terrifying to me. Once you get to know me I’ll talk your ear off, but getting me to talk to a stranger is a Herculean task (though with less slaying […]


Price: $29.95 to buy/ Free to play. Item shop available. Client: PC only (I think) Get it from: or download via Steam. I actually bought this one ages ago, but as it’s a huge file I wasn’t able to download it all at once – just in bits and pieces over a few months. So I was excited to finally […]
