Category Archives: Videogames
April 17, 2014 Killing Sims
Meet Honkus Pants. There has been a version of him in every Sims game I have ever played. He likes what I like and he wears what I wear (or as close as the games allow) because he’s basically a Sim version of me. No matter who else shows up in the neighborhood, there’s always […]
Tags: Sims
- Posted under Mobile, Videogames
April 14, 2014 Movie+Music Monday: Frozen
When is a Music Monday also a Movie Monday? When the movie is Frozen. I know I’m several months late to this party, but it’s not really my fault. I tried on several occasions to get my wife to go see it in the theater, but she doesn’t go to many movies and we never […]
Tags: Disney, Mass Effect
- Posted under Movies, Music, Videogames
April 3, 2014 Operation All The Zeldas! Link’s Awakening
Considering that every Zelda game until Ocarina of Time is platform/generation defining, Link’s Awakening might get overlooked. Though the Game Boy is the first portable platform, the defining game of the platform is Pokemon or Tetris. Link’s Awakening might not be the biggest game on the Game Boy, but it still deserves a lot of […]
Tags: Operation All The Zeldas
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- Posted under Videogames
March 7, 2014 Games With Gold
The thing I’m really enjoying about the Xbox’s Games With Gold program is the encouragement to try games I wouldn’t normally play. Yes, many of the games that have been offered are games that had demos available, but there’s something about “hey, free game!” that entices me to give it a try that “hey, free […]
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- Posted under Videogames
March 6, 2014 Operation All The Zeldas: A Link to the Past
There are two games that vie for the title of best Zelda game: Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past. I would imagine that it is more of a generational divide, whether your developmental gaming period was spent with a SNES or an N64. I can safely say that I come down with […]
Tags: Operation All The Zeldas
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- Posted under Videogames