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I guess I just like liking things

Tag Archives: LynPlays

  California Games II is not, as you may have spotted, the original. This is because the keyboard controls for the original are so terrible that it was mostly me mooshing every key I could find in the hope it would make me not fall off my skateboard. Not featured in the video is snowboarding, […]


  Firstly, an apology as last week’s suggested games didn’t work out (but will, or I’ll glare at them some more). I played this a lot when it was new in the early 1990s. A Wolfenstein 3D clone, Ken’s Labyrinth sent you off on a journey of really long hallways. The first game sends you […]


  A few weeks ago I dusted off Ski or Die and played it badly for you. Since it’s a reskin/remake of Skate or Die (and since it was suggested) I played the first one for you this week. Which makes it all backwards, but never mind – we’ll soldier on. Playing this with a […]


  What I know about wrestling could be written on the back of a postage stamp in large writing. In the cast of playable characters I knew two names, and one of those was “sorta,” but overall this was stupidly fun. I may have missed a setting which allowed single player playing, but frankly just mashing […]


  Another in the long list of games I played the first installment of is Boppin’. Let’s get this sorted right now – there is no g. It’s Boppin’. It is not now and never was Bopping. You wash your mouth out. In fact, it wasn’t even a first installment as such. I didn’t realise […]
