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I guess I just like liking things

Tag Archives: LynPlays

  Of all the games I would consider it hard to ruin, a side scrolling platformer is high on the list. How hard can it be? You make a world, drop a hero in it, throw in some things to avoid or kill and bam – done*. Whoever made this game (and I’ve already uninstalled […]


The story of this game is so common it’s almost cliche – you’re driving around to deliver presents to a remote town on behalf of your Grandfather (Santa Claus) when your car turns into candy. I know, I know, this has been done so many times. I believe this one is based on a true story. […]


Not at all festive. I was expecting festive as Home Alone is supposed to be a Christmas movie. Apart from a small pile of decorations, not even a tree. Not even, you guys, a tree. Lame. Not as lame as the game itself though, which is pretty lame. The premise is the same as the […]


Ah, Lemmings. Is there anything cuter? Yes. Santa Lemmings. As the Season is hurtling toward us with the speed of a very fast thing indeed, I felt it time to break out the festive games and this was the first one I thought of. I played it in 1993, which is an alarming 21 years ago. […]


I lied, this isn’t Jill of the Jungle. This is Jill Saves the Prince, but it’s part three of the Jill trilogy so it counts.  I did play the first one, but the recording didn’t record, and so I jumped into the third which I had not played before. It’s a shame the first one […]
