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I guess I just like liking things

Tag Archives: Mass Effect

I finally earned the last achievement in Mass Effect 3, 348 days after I got the first achievement in Mass Effect 3. The very last achievement I got was the Veteran achievement, earned for dispatching 5,000 foes. The victim that put me over the goal was a virtual Cerberus agent in the Arena matches on […]

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Side note: sometimes I sing “DLC!” to the tune of AC/DC’s “TNT.” Now you can, too! I both love and hate downloadable content. It’s a great way to spend more time in a game I like, but it’s also more money. A $60 game quickly turns into an $80+ game, and I already didn’t like spending […]

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When is a Music Monday also a Movie Monday? When the movie is Frozen. I know I’m several months late to this party, but it’s not really my fault. I tried on several occasions to get my wife to go see it in the theater, but she doesn’t go to many movies and we never […]

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In an effort to “100%” Mass Effect 3, I have been playing a bunch of multiplayer this week. “100%” in this case means “get all the achievements,” something I really like to do when I can, but particularly on games I love. I’ve done this for Mass Effect 2, and 3 looks doable, but 1 […]

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Here in the States it’s Thanksgiving, so we’re taking the rest of the week off. “We” in this context means both “Americans” and “us here at zwolanerd.” Take some time to appreciate what and who you have, watch a Thanksgiving movie (Maybe Planes, Trains, & Automobiles? Or maybe ThanksKilling?), and enjoy your time. We’ll see […]

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