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I guess I just like liking things

Tag Archives: video

I don’t remember where I heard it, but someone once said, “Your favorite version of a song is the one you hear first.”  I’ve found that holds up pretty well, as long as the Beach Boys Greater Remake Theory is taken into consideration. (The BBGRT states that “any beach Boys song remade by a different […]

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If your main impediment to listening to the song “Wrecking Ball” was Miley Cyrus’s presence on the track, have I got a post for you!  This cover is wonderful and features 100% less Miley. This cover of Miley’s song improves on it by adding two other female voices, but it still leaves in the “wreh-eh-ehck […]

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I love almost every episode of Seinfeld, all nine seasons-worth. I don’t like the first two seasons as much as the later ones, but there’s still a lot of great stuff in there. In fact, this video comes from the second season, episode eight, “The Heart Attack.” George watched a special about heart attacks on […]

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  These days when you mention Albuquerque, New Mexico, most folk’ll immediately think about Breaking Bad. It makes sense: the show was filmed in and around the city, and uses many local landmarks in the show. I haven’t seen Breaking Bad, though. And even when I eventually do, Albuquerque will still trigger for Weird Al […]

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My 11-year-old nephew is a huge Lego fan. He has more Star Wars Lego kits than actually exist, I think, and he can put many of them together without looking at the instructions, which boggles my mind.  Standard family practice for birthdays and Christmas has been to see if he’s got a Lego wishlist and […]

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