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I guess I just like liking things

Tag Archives: Yearly

Hey, since there aren’t that many movies in the list for this year, let’s add in a list of some of my favorite actors who were born this year! Two lists! Amy Adams – She’s done many great movies, but I think we can agree that her turn in The Muppets was peak Amy Adams. […]

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The thing I’m noticing about these ever-diminishing lists is that while I recognize some of the movies I haven’t seen from the list, I have no desire to go back and catch up on most of them. Most of the “classics” are things I have seen (but, of course, not everything I’ve seen is a […]

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Four more years backwards and we’ll have rewound past when I was alive. Just a reminder that these lists have become “movies I saw” rather than “my favorite movies” from whatever year. When I finally jump back into the 90s and have enough movies to have favorites, I’ll go back to having “favorite” lists. 6. Carrie – […]

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The only reason I’m even bothering with this year is because of Star Wars. I remember so little about most of these, the only six I’ve seen from this year: 6. Saturday Night Fever – John Travolta plays a jerk who dances well. That is pretty much the plot to this movie. It’s a neat snapshot […]

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I was 6 years old in 1978, barely aware that movies were even a thing. I don’t remember what the first movie I ever saw was, but I remember seeing Mary Poppins at a friend’s house when I was young, and I remember the Disney cartoon Robin Hood, but I have no frame of reference […]

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